Forensic Accounting Services for Financial Disputes in Chicago and Bloomfield Hills

Forensic Accounting and the Crucial Role it Plays for Your Organization

Forensic accounting is a specialized field that combines accounting, auditing, and investigative skills to uncover financial irregularities and present complex financial information in a clear and concise manner. Forensic accounting plays a crucial role in resolving financial disputes, supporting litigation, and providing expert testimony in legal settings. However, its significance extends far beyond the courtroom, as it is also employed to safeguard businesses, prevent fraud, and enhance financial transparency.

At CCA Advisors, we pride ourselves on being a leading forensic accounting consulting firm, offering decades of  expertise in navigating the intricate world of financial investigations. Our team of forensic accounting experts is dedicated to providing comprehensive and reliable services to our clients, ensuring their financial interests are protected and their concerns addressed effectively.

What are Financial Disputes?

One of Cendrowski Corporate Advisors’ core competencies is forensic accounting for financial disputes. Our forensic accounting clients rely on our team’s professional, litigation, and expert witness experience.

Cendrowski Corporate Advisor forensic accountant specialists support lawyers in high-profile accounting malpractice and accountants’ liability cases, analyzing auditing practices, tax services, business valuations, economic damages, and internal control failures. We work with legal teams to provide analyses that document and retell the events that transpired, providing expert testimony to clearly explain these technical details to the court. We are also tapped to assist the court, arbitrators, mediators, and judges directly.

Forensic Accounting For Fraud Cases

Cendrowski Corporate Advisors team members provide forensic services to numerous public and private organizations outside of the courtroom. In some instances, we’re employed reactively for fraud investigation. In others, our services are employed proactively as a tool to develop robust processes and internal controls that deter fraud. Proactive services allow organizations to identify and analyze essential accounting procedures and record-keeping methods. This makes it much easier to identify potential accounting transaction problems and issues before they happen.

Fraud Detection And Deterrence

At CCA Advisors, our fraud detection, investigation, and deterrence expertise allows businesses and individuals to proactively combat financial misconduct, safeguard their assets, and establish a culture of integrity within their organizations. 

Businesses and individuals facing potential fraud turn to CCA Advisors to uncover fraudulent activities, identify the perpetrators, and establish the extent of the financial harm.

Our investigative expertise in the field of forensic accounting allows us to collect evidence while adhering to legal standards, supporting law enforcement and legal teams in building a strong case by providing the following during an investigation:


  1. Proactive Fraud Risk Assessment
  2. Fraud Investigation Services
  3. Evidence Collection and Preservation
  4. Identifying Potential Perpetrators
  5. Expert Witness Testimony
  6. Fraud Deterrence Strategies
  7. Ongoing Monitoring and Compliance

By choosing CCA Advisors as your partner in fraud detection, investigation, and deterrence, you can be confident that your organization's financial well-being is in capable hands. Our commitment to excellence, attention to detail, and proactive approach to fraud-related matters ensure that your business is equipped to prevent, detect, and deter fraudulent activities, safeguarding your reputation and financial interests.

How Can We Assist With Forensic Investigations?

Companies engage Cendrowski Corporate Advisors to perform internal and confidential forensic investigations involving defalcation, procurement collusion and purchasing fraud, financial misrepresentations, and intellectual property rights violations. Our specialists provide these services in strict confidentiality while the subject of the investigation remains unaware that an investigation is underway. This helps prevent business disruption and provides management with facts to allow careful planning of remediation steps.

Internal Investigations and Confidentiality for Your Company

Internal investigations are a critical aspect of corporate governance and risk management. When suspicions of financial misconduct, corruption, embezzlement, or other unethical activities arise, engaging a forensic accounting firm like CCA Advisors becomes imperative.

Here's how forensic accounting is used in internal investigations and why confidentiality is of utmost importance for our firm in cases like these:

  1. Utilizing Forensic Accounting in Internal Investigations: We provide unbiased and objective insights into financial irregularities and potential fraud within an organization.
  2. Data Analysis and Transaction Tracing: Our experts conduct thorough data analysis, examining financial records, transactions, and audit trails to identify suspicious patterns and anomalies that may indicate fraudulent activities or financial mismanagement.
  3.  Employee Misconduct and Theft: We investigate allegations of employee misconduct, including theft, embezzlement, and misappropriation of company funds.
  4. Compliance and Regulatory Violations: Our forensic accountants assess whether the organization is compliant with relevant laws and industry regulations. In cases of suspected regulatory violations, we conduct detailed examinations to determine the scope and impact of non-compliance.
  5. Financial Reporting Irregularities: We analyze financial statements and accounting practices to identify any irregularities or fraudulent activities that may have affected the accuracy and transparency of financial reporting.
  6.  Asset Misappropriation: Our accountants examine cases where company assets have been misused, diverted, or stolen, aiding in the recovery of misappropriated funds or assets.

At CCA Advisors, we recognize the immense responsibility of handling sensitive internal investigations. Our commitment to confidentiality is unwavering, and we take every measure to protect the information shared during our investigations. This approach ensures that our clients can trust us to conduct thorough and unbiased investigations, allowing them to make informed decisions based on the findings and recommendations we provide.

Who Can Benefit from Our Forensic Services

From our office in Chicago to our location in Metro Detroit, the Cendrowski Corporate Advisors forensic accountants serve a national client base including:

Public and private companies
Banks and financial institutions
Government agencies
Other organizations, including not-for-profits

1. Lawyers:

Our forensic accounting expertise has been proven to be  invaluable to lawyers and law firms, providing essential support in a wide range of legal matters:

  • Expert Testimony: Our forensic accountants can serve as expert witnesses in legal proceedings, providing clear and credible testimony based on our detailed analyses to support your case effectively.
  • Financial Forensics in Litigation: We analyze complex financial data, trace fund flows, and quantify economic damages to provide valuable insights for litigation, strengthening your position during financial disputes.
  • Fraud Detection and Investigation: In cases involving financial fraud, embezzlement, or other financial misconduct, our experts can conduct thorough investigations, uncovering critical evidence to support your legal efforts.

2. Public and Private Companies:

We offer comprehensive forensic accounting services to public and private companies across different industries, helping them navigate financial challenges and mitigate risks:

  • Fraud Prevention and Detection: Our experts conduct in-depth risk assessments and implement robust internal controls to proactively prevent fraud. We can identify ongoing fraudulent activities in case of suspected fraud, safeguarding your company's assets and reputation.
  • Financial Due Diligence: Before engaging in mergers, acquisitions, or significant financial transactions, we conduct meticulous due diligence to identify potential risks and ensure transparent financial representations, empowering you to make informed decisions.
  • Dispute Resolution: In cases of financial disputes with partners, vendors, or clients, our expert analysis and quantification of financial losses can help resolve conflicts and facilitate fair settlements.

3. Banks and Financial Institutions:

Our forensic accounting services offer critical support to banks and financial institutions in managing risks and ensuring compliance:

  • Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Compliance: We assist banks and financial institutions in developing and enhancing their AML programs, conducting investigations, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Fraud Detection and Investigation: Our experts help identify fraudulent activities within financial institutions, facilitating timely intervention and reducing potential losses.
  • Loan Portfolio Reviews: We conduct comprehensive reviews of loan portfolios to assess credit risks, identify potential loan fraud, and provide valuable insights for risk management.

4. Government Agencies:

CCA Advisors collaborates with government agencies to address financial complexities and investigative challenges:

  • Financial Investigations: Our forensic accounting experts support government agencies in investigating financial crimes, tracking illicit funds, and providing expert testimony in court.
  • Forensic Auditing: We conduct forensic audits to examine public funds' use, ensuring transparency and identifying potential financial mismanagement.

5. Other Organizations, Including Not-for-Profits:

Our forensic accounting services extend to not-for-profit organizations and other entities with unique financial needs:

  • Grant Compliance and Funding Analysis: We assist not-for-profits in ensuring compliance with grant requirements and conducting thorough funding analyses.
  • Internal Control Assessments: Our experts help assess and strengthen internal controls for other organizations, enhancing financial transparency and fraud prevention.

Confidentiality remains a paramount concern in all cases, and we adhere to strict ethical and legal standards to protect the sensitive information shared during our investigations. At CCA Advisors, we aim to empower our clients with accurate and reliable financial insights, ensuring their interests are safeguarded and their goals achieved.

Contact Our Forensic Accounting Experts in Chicago and Bloomfield Hills

Ready to navigate the complexities of forensic accounting? Cendrowski Corporate Advisors specializes in top-tier forensic accounting services. Whether you're an attorney, a company, or an organization, our expert team stands ready to unravel intricate financial matters and provide expert testimony when needed. Don't let uncertainty persist – act now. Reach out through our contact form or call (866) 717-1607 to take the first step towards clarity and resolution.

Advisory Services Client Success: A Complex Forensic Investigation

Cendrowski Corporate Advisors was engaged by an investor client to calculate the claim amount for investments he had made in three separate franchises. The investor had signed three promissory notes to the franchises as loans due to his company. Based on the agreements, the franchise entities were expected to send in monthly payments to the client to pay off the loan balance. Our client advised us that he hadn’t received the monthly payments and needed to calculate the amount owed to his company from the three franchise loans.

Our team reviewed the promissory notes for the agreement and created amortization schedules for each loan based on the parameters listed. We were provided brokerage account statements and forensically analyzed the investment amounts and the loan payments, tracing deposits to the corresponding franchise loan. These deposit payments were applied against accrued interest and principal to calculate the note balance. Through our calculations, we advised the client of the balance due on each of the loans as of the date of the bankruptcy. Our analysis and claim amount calculations were included in the bankruptcy petition filing.

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